
"Autofrettage on pressure vessels can improve the safety limits and reliability of pressurized components."


"Let us help you with your pressure testing and/or autofrettage needs."
In addition to pressure testing, the system can be configured to perform an "Autofrettage" process on your parts containing thick-walled cylinders.

Autofrettage is a "plastic" deformation process caused by imposing a very high internal pressure, resulting in compressive and tensile hoop residual stresses at the inside and outside surfaces of the cyclnder respectively. The result is is an increased load carrying capacity, gross resistance to fatigue and inhibits the rate of crack propagation. In otherwords, your part becomes stronger and more durable.

It is well known that the autofrettage process can create the favorable residual stresses in the wall of thick cylinders, which can have significant positive effects upon the cylinder life by influencing fatigue, creep, and stress corrosion cracking resistance.

Fatigue is the source of at least half of all mechanical failures and is very difficult to understand. Autofrettage can have profound effects by limiting fatigue failure, which is common in cylinders designed to operate at their envelope of strength or experience cyclic loading.

Autofrettage on pressure vessels can improve the safety limits and reliability of pressurized components thus allowing for increases in the pressure capacity of the components and enhances the component fatigue life.

Let us help you with your pressure testing and/or autofrettage needs.

Industries we serve include:

Oil & Gas


Naval & Maritime

Aerospace & Defense

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